Tomorrow marks the first month of life back home.
I couldn't blog consistently since my first week because I was way too busy. I still haven't had the time to clear my bags, my boxes, my shelves, and my cupboards.
Also, consistent blogging about what's going on will be equivalent to a tweet which I haven't done in yonks and only do so if I have to say something, but can't do so on Facebook which is now not a social media platform for a rebellious, hotheaded, self-important teenager (like many others) to rant and display but a platform for a young adult with important (adult) social connections that shouldn't be introduced to that teenager on a daily basis, forcibly
I haven't been that teenager since I left high school for the second time in 2007. I say second time because after Form 5, I was plenty happy to chuck every single thing related to the public education system into the monsoon drains. Until I was marched back in for Form 6.
Life in my very own Cybertron-Planet Krypton blurred the edges and boundaries of my black and white world. University life in a different country with no friends you can actually trust (at first, because I'm cynical like that) but with the freedom of first world education system was no more a straight path with distance markers. It was a bizarre maze of paths where I have every inch of freedom...well, as long I stay on the cobbled stone and not step on the grass.
This freedom continued into my working life. The difference between here and Sabah is the stability I feel now, surrounded by family and friends, not just the rotating colleagues and associates.
I am now able to start on my NY resolutions and every hour of the day was so full that I have barely time to even read the newspapers. I take 5x longer to read a book but at least I get to buy real books now rather than settling for ebooks because I don't have the opportunity to maintain a bookshelf OTR.
I joined the Penang Fit Challenge (yes, by a Herbalife group but no, I did not buy more of what I already have in store from previous years) and even though I didnt give a crap and a half about the dos and don'ts about diet, I'm feeling better than ever before and I'm very, very glad I have excellent basic training in proper posture. The contagious enthusiasm was fantastic which is the whole point but at least it's really making me do something about my unsavoury bulging and jiggling bits besides bemoaning their existence
I picked up running and found the runner's high to be addictive enough to not shy away from a good session of sadistic-masochistic sweating but not enough to make me choose running over vacuuming the house on some days (I do get quite domestic when I'm nearing the end of my menstrual cycle).
I started an attempt at gardening where 12/14 adenium seeds successfully germinated and an adenium rootstock took hold after a couple of weeks. Now I'm on my second attempt on rooting rose stalks.
My new job was like belly flopping into the deep end of the pool and was told to swim like Phelps. I have no background in microbiology but somehow am getting through the 'training' in all things bacterial and some aquaculture but I've yet to find the time to sit and read the academic material like an archaeologist yet to dust off the entire fossilised representation of the Cambrian explosion.
The kareshi told me to 'make some friends' as sort of a goal. He knows how afraid I am of people. But like my fear of cockroaches, I got over it. Hah! I just compared friends to cockroaches. Anyhow, I stopped saying no, I stopped stalling, I stopped running away. Because I promised, not the kareshi. I promised a priest. Yah! IKR, me, of all people... like wtf happened?
I played board games. Not stupid monopoly where I can keel over from boredom before I even take my start up $$$ from the banker but strategy games like Saboteur and Citadel where 5 hours can pass by without much effort. I laughed more. I began honing my concentration skills which I sorely lack. I took more initiative, became proactive.
This is the beginning of a new life full of new starts and restarts.
I'm still revving. Ready or not, GO!