"She's been on my mind a lot lately because she is to me, the epitome of what it means to be never too late to do something that you truly love."
That was a snippet from a previous blog post about someone who inspired me - Bronwyn Fancourt - who showed and not just told me that it's ok to live one's life at one's own pace and for one's own interest(s). There's absolutely no need, and a matter of fact quite a waste of time, energy and sometimes money, to keep up with the Jones' by stalking their Facebooks and getting all flustered with envy of holiday/engagement/career pictures of others.
Also applies to social media posts by surface-reflective, career-confident people who flick their hair back with exclamations about climbing the career ladder while others are settling down.
No one walks my path but me. At the moment it seems like a terribly bumpy uphill road with so many switchbacks that it looks like I'm pacing back and forth with no progress on the journey but nevertheless it's my own buggering path. I just hope to God that the view's really worth it at the end.
Bronwyn and a few others at university may have left quite an imprint on me in regards to forward planning, scheduling, and all sorts that lead to an efficient lifestyle that's properly oiled with discipline in order to churn out results like primly wrapped packages. The imprint is still there but after nearly 5 years, it's still a difficult thing to start and keep going. I was probably shooting wildly in the dark in an attempt to emulate them but someone came along to un-blind and unbind me.
That someone who also showed that walking the path less chosen is quite alright; that the world may be bigger yet smaller with uncountable facets; that it's alright to fall short of expectations that are usually set at improbable heights by one's ownself; that if all else fails and everything is bleak and full of misery, there's always, always, always another way.
That someone who could be a great example to start the incredible nature vs. nurture debate.
That someone who has pushed himself and took on so much with only a complaint or two despite not knowing the results or lack thereof.
That someone with whom I've decided to spend the rest of my life with before I fully realised it.