Unless it's a passing comment and no obligatory conversation ensues, I actually would say something ice-breaking...like "oh, the toilets are that way."
Weirdly enough, last night during the Easter dinner gathering for Penang Choicees, I actually walked up and introduced myself while the danna hung back. However, I introduced myself to two people whom I already know but didn't realise.
Yes, thou shalt facepalm thyself.
One was Jmelda, a senior in school and former parish. The other was Adeline, also former fellow parishioner in IC and I've actually texted her quite a bit last year. Both were quite perplexed on why I was introducing myself when we all knew each other already. During the mingling before dinner, someone sat down at our table and started reminiscing about last year, throwing out facts about our lives that we were sure we didn't share with her, whoever she was!? Found out, it was Jeanne from the publicity department in Choice and I also had been texting her plenty, and even went to the extent of calling her dear/babe.
Surely, despite the faux pas, I could take it as progress in real-life socialising?
Another scenario was a few days ago where I had a meeting with the bosses and colleague with a couple of small entrepreneurials on stocking their gardening merchandise in the gift shop at work. I noticed that Joleen was being uncharacteristically quiet and I was the one throwing out questions (and answering others) and making comments alongside the bosses.
After that, it was a pro-active follow-up... adding and chatting on Facebook (yes, how professional).
I pray that it'll be no more flashes in the pan.
No more quicksilver heats but slow burns leading to (environmental friendly) long-lasting bonfires.
No more hiding behind my armored walls, built on the grounds of personal and emotional safety.
One more thing I would need to learn is not take things personally. The ability to read people and know what they think or feel about you at that particular moment can be hurtful or embarrassing due to the circumstances, whether or not its your fault.
Time to shake off this quarter-life crisis and embark on a self-
Bloody hell, I'm already 27?!!
...and I act like I'm still 17